Everything Matters: Down the Rabbit Hole with Tweaks
As he placed the trade paperback sized piece of metallic graphite on top of the amplifier, and stepped back ... the bass improved, and the clarity took a jump up. He then muttered something like a curse word and removed it and stepped back. Yep. A bit muddy. Back it went. Clarity and defined bass. He sighed and returned to his listening chair looking somewhat defeated, but not daring to remove the thin brick from the top of the amp. The subtle improvement proved far too significant to ignore. Debunkers? Welcome to my world. Cognitive dissonance. Insanity. It goes by many names, but for a technically minded audiophile, there is a point once where it dawns on you that everything matters, and some things that seem to have an effect on the quality of sound simply makes no sense. I think a lot of audiophiles can develop coping mechanisms when faced with this. The simplest thing is to deny the evidence of your senses...