Collecting on the Cheap: CD's
The era of the vinyl bargain is over. While we might long for the time when we could get an album for $1-2 each is gone and dead on a wave of technology revival that was both unlikely and astonishing. While this wave might burn itself out, or go on to be a dominant media again is anyone's guess. But for the foreseeable future, there won't be the killer Thrift Shop Finds of LP as even the charities realize they can get some real money for their copy of Simon and Garfunkel's Greatest Hits in mint condition (when 10-15 years ago, they'd be lucky to sell it for $1). But like the Iron Throne in an unnamed overly long and bloody TV show, a new bargain sits proudly, if uneasily: the CD. Look at this? Vinyl from $15 (used), MP3 $14, and Lowly CD? $8! All for your selection on Amazon in this example. Funny thing, CD. Was supposed to be "perfect sound forever" and after it's initial teething pains proved it worth by being able to do thi...